Super Powers Logo Color Study #3

Once Kenner identified the overall logo design for its Super Powers toy line using pencil drawn concept logos like the one seen here, the next step encompassed selection of an overall color scheme for the logo. This selection was accomplished through the creation of several three layer "color study" boards.

Three distinct elements form each board. The base element consists of a colored board, while the additional two elements exist as attached overlays containing separated elements of the logo itself. The middle overlay contains hand-cut elements pertaining to the "shooting stars" portion of the logo. The upper overlay contains hand-cut elements pertaining to the "Super Powers" logo text portion. Only the top overlay has been flipped up in the above image. The base element on this particular example consists of a white board. The "shooting stars" portion of the logo contains yellow colored stars with black and red highlights, while the text portion of the logo features white text outlines in blue.

Thanks to the foresight of a former Kenner employee, a series of nine logo color studies among other packaging prototypes were saved from Kenner's obsolete files. Eight of the nine color study boards were offered for sale throughout 2010 affording me an opportunity to add two examples to my personal collection.

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