Super Powers Comic Book Artwork: Volume 3, Issue #1, Page 18

DC Comics produced three Super Powers comic book mini-series to coincide with the action figure/toy line produced by Kenner Toys. The third mini-series, released in 1986, featured pencils by Carmine Infantino and inks by Pablo Marcos. This particular comic art page is the original artwork from Issue #1, Page 18 of the 4-part 1986 mini-series. While the second mini-series garners the most attention from comic artwork collectors due to work accomplished by Jack "The King" Kirby, I actually prefer Infantino/Marcos' artwork from the final mini-series.

This 3-panel page features a nice mixture of heroes and villains along with a few of the vehicle from the toy line (Batcopter & Delta Probe-1). The middle panel housing a battle between the dastardly Mr. Freeze and Samurai/Golden is quite dynamic.

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